Adams, E. M. 'Poteat on Modern Culture and Critical Philosophy.' Tradition and Discovery, 21: 1 (1994-95): 45-50.
Berkman, John. 'Poteat Changed My Life.' Tradition and Discovery, 36: 2 (2009-10): 64-65.
Breytspraak, Gus. 'Polanyi's Role in Poteat's Teaching Cultural Conceptual Analysis: 1967-1976.' Tradition and Discovery, 35: 2 (2008-2009): 14-19.
Cashell, K. 'Making Tacit Knowing Explcit: William H. Poteat's Adaptation of Polanyi's Post-Critical Method.' Tradition and Discovery, 35: 2 (2008-09): 48-59.
Cannon, Dale. 'Haven't You Noticed that Modernity is Bankrupt? Ruminations on the Teaching Career of William H. Poteat.' Tradition and Discovery, 21: 1 (1994-95): 20-32.
----------------. 'Polanyi's Influence on Poteat's Conceptualization of Modernity's "Insanity" and Its Cure.' Tradition and Discovery, 35: 2 (2008-09): 23-31.
Haddox, Bruce. 'Meditations on the Shared Life.' Tradition and Discovery, 21: 1 (1994-95): 12-19.
Hall, Ronald L. 'Poteat's Voice: The Impact of Polanyi and Wittgenstein.' Tradition and Discovery, 35: 2 (2008-09): 19-23.
Jardine, Murray (2009-10). 'Bill Poteat's Post-Critical Logic and the Origins of Modernity.' Tradition and Discovery, 36: 2 (2009-10): 54-58.
Ladner, Benjamin. 'Why Said What.' Tradition and Discovery, 21: 1 (1994-95): 7-10.
Mead, Walter B. 'A Symposium Encounter: The Philosophies of William Poteat and Michael Polanyi.' Tradition and Discovery, 35: 2 (2008-09): 6-13.
------------------. 'William Poteat's Anthropology: "Mindbody in the World."' Tradition and Discovery, 21: 1 (1994-95): 33-37.
Melvin Keiser, R. 'But Bill: Poteatian Meditations.' Tradition and Discovery, 36: 2 (2009-10): 43-50.
Mullins, Phil. 'W. H. Poteat: An Oblique Introduction.' Tradition and Discovery, 36: 2 (2009-10): 40-43.
Newman, Elizabeth. 'W. H. Poteat and the Convertibility of Logic and Love.' Tradition and Discovery, 36: 2 (2009-10): 50-53.
Osborne, Robert T. 'Bill Poteat: Colleague?' Tradition and Discovery, 35: 2 (2008-09): 44-48.
Rutledge, David. 'William Poteat: The Primacy of the Person.' Tradition and Discovery, 40: 2, 36-45.
Scott, R. Taylor. 'William H. Poteat: A Laudatio.' Tradition and Discovery, 20: 1 (1994-95): 6-12.
Stines, J. W. 'William H. Poteat: Liberating Theologian For Polanyi?' Tradition and Discovery, 35: 2 (2008-09): 39-44.
Stone Johnston, Araminta (2009-10). 'Thanks for Everything Poteat!': An Intellectual (but Personal) Autobiography.' Tradition and Discovery, 36: 2 (2009-10): 59-63.
Yeager, D. M. 'Salto Mortale: Poteat and the Righting of Philosophy.' Tradition and Discovery, 35: 2 (2008-09): 31-38.
All articles in Tradition and Discovery: The Polanyi Society Periodical are available on the Polanyi Society Website: www.missouriwestern.edu/orgs/polanyi